Friday, February 21, 2020

Enterpreneurship in action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Enterpreneurship in action - Essay Example Their Advanced Information Based Allocation system automates allocation, booking and real time online tracking with super-sonic efficiency, enabling the company to manage a near limitless number of couriers with an exceptional customer service. Customers enter their collection and delivery addresses on the website, and the system sends the details to the courier best placed to do the job. The company has already made its mark in the previously inefficient world of courier services. Its website boasts an average delivery time of just 40 minutes. Annual sales have grown from ?100,000 to ?1m in recent years. Fast Courier has doubled in size over the last twelve months, and is on target to double again during 2013 with 40 vehicles. Next on the agenda is moving from Portsmouth to offer the courier services to other cities. There might be limited scope for the volume of business in Portsmouth; the scope is endless in other cities. Objectives The company wants to expand business across vari ous cities of United Kingdom. They are emphasizing on adopting state of art technology to provide fast courier service. Fast Courier Ltd is using eco friendly cars to provide service to customers. They want to improve online tracking system to increase efficiency in service delivery. The company has the objective to expand courier delivery network outside Portsmouth. Mission The company has a mission to provide eco friendly courier service. They want provide service beyond the expectation of customers. Company Summary The company was founded by Tina and Mike in the year 2009. Start up cost of the business was ?380,000. They gave importance to provide fast courier service to customers from day one. They have used state of art technologies like online parcel tracking to improve value delivery process. Company Ownership Tina and Mike is the owner of the company. Tina supervises technical aspects of the courier service and Mike concentrates on finance and marketing activities of the com pany. Market Trend in Courier Industry Courier industry has direct relationship with logistics sector. Logistics service includes air freight, transportation of parcels, street haulage, luggage compartment and warehousing, freights and postal services. There is more than 2,320,000 people working in supply chain and logistic sectors, which contributes 8% of the United Kingdom’s workforce. Logistic sector contributes nearly ?86.54 billion to GDP of the country. Cycle courier service is essential to provide fast service to customers in some cities due to heavy traffic congestion. There are more than ninety thousand people working in the courier industry of the country. There are more than 10,800 workplaces across the country. National and regional data East Midlands – There are almost 156,600 employees work in the logistic sector. Out of these 156,600 employees, 6,800 people are associated with courier industry, which contributes 4% of the logistics supply chain departmen t of the region. East England –

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

SHAME OF THE NATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SHAME OF THE NATION - Essay Example Nowadays it is used to think that democratic views and principles of equality play an overwhelming role throughout the world. However, an outstanding author and public activist Jonathan Kozol makes the emphasis that even the most democratic country, the USA, still has numerous examples of racial inequality.Making school segregation as an extremely significant problem in contemporary America, Jonathan Kozol and other numerous authors proclaim the necessity to solve it and develop democratic values as those, which lead to national prosperity and global piece. From the beginning of the 90s of the XXth century the process of school segregation has increased in a great extent. As a contemporary researcher mentions, "In 1992 nine schools in the Twin Cities area had a majority of students of color. By 2006, that number had increased to 248" (Magnusson 3). Another author also supports and proves the opinion of segregation turning back: "Resegregation, which took hold in the early 1990s after three Supreme Court decisions from 1991 to 1995 limiting desegregation orders, is continuing to grow in all parts of the country for both African Americans and Latinos.." (Orfield and Lee 5). Geographically, as the majority of researchers mention, the process of new segregation mostly occupies the territory of American South and West, since the structure of population introduces high concentration of immigrants there. Being closely connected to general economical aspects, school segregation contains the problems of poverty and discrimination, based on the social status. Undoubtedly, schools for White Americans introduce more conveniences and additional abilities for wealthier population, while schools for poor immigrants do not have the same level of treatment. According to contemporary online sources, "Schools in low-income communities remain highly unequal in terms of funding, qualified teachers, and curriculum..Schools with high levels of poverty have weaker staff, fewer high-ac hieving peers, health and nutrition problems, residential instability, single-parent households, high exposure to crime and gangs.." (Hawkins et al.). As Kozol mentions about suburban computer classes for the non-white, where "according to one student, "we sit there and talk about what we would be doing if we had computers" (Kozol 171). Therefore, racial segregation is closely connected with personal wealthy and social status, which people have today. Jonathan Kozol, being a true teacher and having the ability to investigate the problem of school segregation directly from his own experience, makes the emphasis on unequal status in urban public schools. Considering the differences between education in mega polices and suburbs, Kozol mentions: "in the fall of 2002 that only between a quarter and a third of children in the district had received even a single year of preschool and that less than five percent had been provided with the two years of pre-K instruction that are common in mo st affluent communities" (Kozol 51). Showing that only white suburban have the opportunity to get preschool education, Kozol demonstrates that racial minorities, in fact, have minimum chances to receive a successful formal education. Analyzing factual consequences of current segregation, Kozol and other authors mention considerably difficulties, which segregated students have with the precise process of their education. For instance, poor conditions and unattractive appearance of segregated schools usually cause stressful feeling and the lack of desire to study there. Efficiency-deprived schemes of studying, often overcrowding also