Tuesday, May 5, 2020

BBA for International Journal of Innovation- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBBA for International Journal of Innovation Management. Answer: Introduction This paper discusses how the organizations make use of the off-set team. Face to face teamwork is where individuals in the workplace directly meet with each other in the someplace instead of using other means of communication such as phones, email. Etc. The Impressions Corporation was using face to face then later on changed to the use of the social media to help facilitate there the way of communication (Abdalkhaleq, Tolan and Brown 2017). An example of off-set team work is where the employees of the Impression compressions changed from doing their jobs at home instead of doing them in their offices at their places of work. The use of off-site teamwork in the workplace can benefit organizations in many ways. For example, it lowers costs, enables growth in the organization and prevents interruptions and distractions that are capable of lowering productivity. This paper is divided into different parts. The first part discusses whether the disagreement between two employees of an organ ization can be mended. The second part discusses the mistakes that Craig makes in managing and leading the team. The third part explains the kind of conflicts and how they can be resolved by the HRM and the team manager. The fourth part enlightens the ineffectiveness of the off-set team and how it can be improved (Crowley and Bourke 2017.) How to mend the rift between Allison and Penny The rift between Penny and Allison can be mended by both the HRM and the Team manager. Penny is provoked, Allison is angry. The difficulty is, both Penny and Allison work-site, this creates for their manager who is Craig. The research indicates that not only can a rift team be corrected, but that anyone that participates is responsible for fixing the rift, even without the help of the team Peers or Leader. Craig should first give both the parties enough time of solving their own disputes (Hartley and McGaughey, 2018). The Manager should take action only when the issue cannot be controlled by the two parties, and the rift is interfering with the work of the organization or disrupting the work of other employees. He should identify the causes of the dispute whether it is interpersonal and work-related and possess structural root. The manager should resolve the rift between the two employees without alienating or offending each party. A bad approach by the manager could decrease product ivity, create irreversible barriers and lowers the morale of the two parties. Craig should, therefore, develop the goal of keeping every member focused on solving their disputes and he should not be sidetracked by political and personal issues. Working with difficult employees can be hard. The experienced manager should understand how to differentiate emotions derived from the work when dealing with the issues of the employees (Penwell, Ward, Kirkpatrick, Smith and Abouljoudm 2018). The manager should avoid concentrating on the negative personality of the employee's traits; the smart manager should put their focus on task, results, and projects. Craig should create suitable working environment for both the two parties. He should meet the two parties at the closed door to enables the two parties a chance to share and air in a considered and calm way. Mistakes that Craig make in managing and leading the team and how to solve the mistakes The mistake that Craig makes in managing and leading the team is that he has been working outside the office and this prevents him from monitoring how other members of the organization in the department perform their duties. Craig as the HRM was unable to sign the work to each member (Thompson, Poulston and Neill 2017). Both Allison and Penny have been performing their work without the knowledge of the HRM. This prevents Craig from keeping in touch with the team in his department. To solve the conflict between the two members of the team, Craig as a manager should delegate the duty to each of the members hence this will bring about specialization and prevent future disagreement. Craig should develop a modern set of skills, as well as making use of new techniques and tools. This will enable him as the manager to acquire major management activities of motivating, developing, organizing and sharing with the team (Finnesgard, Pandian, Kendrick and Farley 2018). Type of conflict and how the managers can solve it in the organization The type of conflict evident in the off-set team is the Emotional conflict. This type of conflict occurs due to insecurity, personality conflict, and jealousy (Certo 2018). To resolve the conflict, Maggie and Craig should employ the use of the 5 common styles, or approaches to solving the negative conflict. The five approaches include avoiding, dominating, collaborating, accommodating and compromising (Greer, Schouten and Dannals 2018). Things that portrays that the off-set team is ineffective include: There is low unity of the members, therefore, the members of the group do not have common objectives and the personal feelings of the members are also hidden. To improve the effectiveness in the team, Craig who is the Manager should set a plan with the intention of taking the action by: addressing the issues that cause ineffectiveness with the team, he should also allocate an individual to challenge the ineffective member in the team and the manager should also work with the members of the team to establish a plan of correction (Flythe et.al 2017). The manager should ensure that errant team should be treated with a firm hand and tough-talking is the best option. The manager should, therefore, choose the best solution to solve the problems of the team (Rahim 2017). Conclusion The use of off-set teamwork in the organization is essential as it helps in improving the performance of any firm. The off-set teamwork also allows the members to perform other duties and employees can also work from their home. The off-set teamwork is full of the advantages but if not well managed it can make an organization to be ineffective in its performance. The managers should work together as a group with all the members, encourage and communicate with the entire team for the purpose of fulfilling the set goals. The manager should come up with a workplace that fosters unity, collaboration, and encouragement. Working in groups, team members may sometimes be ineffective which can negatively affect the organization thereby preventing them from improving their performance. References Abdalkhaleq, A., Tolan, M.P. and Brown, B., 2017, November. Organisational and Work Flow Design for Workover Activities in a Giant Mature Oilfield. InSPE Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Certo, S.C., 2018.Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Education. Crowley, F. and Bourke, J., 2017. The influence of human resource management systems on innovation: Evidence from Irish manufacturing and service firms.International Journal of Innovation Management,21(01), p.1750003. Finnesgard, E.J., Pandian, T.K., Kendrick, M.L. and Farley, D.R., 2018. Do not break up the surgical team! Familiarity and expertise affect operative time in complex surgery.The American Journal of Surgery,215(3), pp.447-449. 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