Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay on Juvenile Offenders - 699 Words

Juvenile Offenders Should Juveniles be waived to adult court Philosophy 14 Nov 98 Should juveniles be waived to adult court. There has been tension between teens (pre-teens) and adults for thousands of years, and the question how to deal with the youth of a culture, in a punishment sense, has been with us for just as long. Socrates, for example, stated that children show little respect for there elders. Since Socrates time largely due to the spread of guns and drugs, younger and younger children are committing violent crimes. Children that have special needs or have committed a criminal act have been subject to state protection since, 1838. The first juvenile court was established in Chicago in 1890. The assumption, that was made†¦show more content†¦In cases where the offender is younger than 16 the prosecutor must show why the juvenile should be waived. One of main issues of side A, is that if the offender is too old the sentence would not be severe enough for the crime that had been committ ed. Another issue is the overcrowding of the juvenile justice system. Many of the offenders in the juvenile system, if a few years older, would have already been sentenced to life sentences in an adult court. Side A does not believe that a persons age should be the lone determining factor for non-waiver. While side A does believe that there are a great many negative influences on todays youth, they believe that these circumstances do not dismiss that crimes that have been committed. The core belief that most of the side A advocates share is, the belief that the small percentage of the juveniles that are committing the serious crimes are past the point where a juvenile court could be of any help. Side A truly feels that by allowing serious juvenile offenders to be waived to adult court, thus receiving a stiffer sentence, the community, as a hole, will be much better served. Side B believes, essentially, that no child (juvenile) should be waived. Side B sees several key factors for th e rise in juvenile crime. These reasons are ones that are out of the control ofShow MoreRelatedIs Juvenile Sex Offenders?1741 Words   |  7 PagesI. Juvenile Sex Offenders The focus of this paper is juvenile sex offenders. We believe that this population is in need of more intensive community-based services, especially for those who are registered as a Megan’s Law Offender and have to follow the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Process. Three case studies will be illustrated in order to demonstrate our motivation to pursue social justice for this population. 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